#Kindle Formatting Issue - Hidden Text

I just recently came across an issue that had me stumped for a bit, but I got it figured out. I wanted to share this with other authors out there in case you’re struggling with the same situation. I made my upcoming release SACRIFICE into a Kindle book so I could do a read-through on my Kindle. I find it easier to see errors this way. Anyway, I came to a spot in the book that looked entirely different from what I was seeing on my screen in Word. Below, I have substituted ** so as to not spoil the story, but you’ll see what my issue was. This was how it looked in Word This is how it looked on my Kindle (short the highlighting) I re-opened my Word document, and sure enough it looked fine. Where is all of this come from, and "tight anyway"? Anyhow, I realized what was happening was there was hidden text there, so I used the Show/Hide feature of Word hoping it would help. If you've ever formatted a Kindle or paperback bo...