Reviews for ELEVEN are Coming In!

The reviews are starting to come in for ELEVEN. Here's what some have had to say on Amazon. 5.0 out of 5 stars An intriguing mystery , November 7, 2011 By Jennifer L. Schubert (FL) Eleven delves into the world of a serial killer who's left ten bodies and one final, empty grave. A team of profilers race against the clock to prevent the grave from being filled by one of their own. Excellent characterization and pacing mark Arnold's well-written Eleven. 5.0 out of 5 stars Suspenseful Crime Fiction , November 28, 2011 By Rosemary Cochran (Finger Lakes Region, NY United States) Eleven graves have been found, but only ten are filled. What is the significance of eleven? You'll feel like you are right there with the team of FBI agents as they race against time to stop the serial killer from filling the final grave. Their prime suspect is behind bars. Who is killing in his stead--and why? The ending will not disappoint. ...