In Plenty of Time for Christmas...

We’ve no doubt all run across those posts from authors announcing that they had to make modifications to their books, whether it be facts, editing/grammar, or other issues. Whenever I’ve come across these, first, I was thankful it wasn’t me, but more importantly, I thought what courage on behalf of the author. It built my respect for them. It shows that they view their writing, the publishing industry, and their readers of utmost importance--and that’s the way it should be. Writing and publishing should be an evolution; not a destination. For any of us to think that we published a book and now the journey is over would be ludicrous. We should be continually growing, not only in the craft, our story-telling ability, but our comprehension and grasp of grammar. Add to this, there are times we come across reviews, or receive emails that may mention issues in a published book. It’s never easy to see the low star ...