Calling all Indies...

As writers, most of us are readers, and as such we love to support other authors we may have come to develop relationships with over social media such as Twitter, Facebook, other writing forums, or blogs like this one.

Having recently self-published myself, I'm thankful for such a supportive network of people, some who offer their blog or website to interview me and allow me to introduce my book to their audience.  Others go even farther and offer book reviews and author spotlights.  It is in honor of all self-published authors that I would like to make an addition to my blog.

Introducing "Independent Voice - Celebrating the Self-Published Author".  It will be a weekly post on Thursdays where I will highlight one author and their book.  Unfortunately, I cannot read and review all the books that will be highlighted.  The post will be a simple list of interview questions that allow us to get to know the author behind the cover.  How long this continues depends upon you, followers and readers of my blog, as well as upon willing participants.

With all the books out there to read how do we know which one to pick up next?

With this weekly post, I hope it helps everyone to decide.  Please know that I cannot recommend everyone's book from a personal standpoint - as I may not have read it myself, but it gives the author a chance to make themselves and their book known to you.  It lets you decide.

If you're a self-published author and you'd be interested in taking part, please submit the form on the following webpage:

If you're a follower of this blog and you have a concern about this program, please do not hesitate to comment below, or email me privately at

I value everyone's opinion.  And please know it's not like this going to become advertising central.  The point is so that one day a week we can meet a new author and be introduced to them, and to their work.

This post will start next week - June 22nd - unless I can get an eager participant overnight ;)


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